February 9, 2025

Back in Beijing


Beijing in summer is hot and a bit less polluted than in winter. Here at Tsinghua University. Photo/Keith Schneider

BEIJING — On a hot morning here in China’s capital, the air is grey and the sky dark with pollution. It’s my seventh trip to China and the evidence of industrial overreach is so readily apparent. I’m here to participate in a speaking and convening event organized by Jennifer Turner, my colleague and director of the Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum.

It is five days in Beijing, then I fly to Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia, to report on energy, food and water for Circle of Blue. It looks to be a busy season of international travel from now until year-end. In September it looks as though I’ll be back in Qatar for reporting on oil and sustainability. Then to Beijing for a speaking tour. Then to India for a month. The year closes and the new year opens with a trip to Italy – Rome, Sicily, and Malta.

There is no Facebook or Twitter access here in China, so keep tabs here on ModeShift. I plan to be active over the next 16 days.

— Keith Schneider

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