October 22, 2024

White Plains High School 40th Reunion

Patsi Takahashi and Annie Wilson organized a Saturday afternoon lunch. Very cool. Photo/Keith Schneider
Patsi Takahashi and Annie Wilson organized a Saturday afternoon lunch. Very cool. Photo/Keith Schneider

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — “So who’d you see?” my mother asked. We’d just sipped from our drinks – hers a nice white wine, mine an imported German beer — at a fine restaurant on 84th and Madison.

“A lot of people you know,” I said. Recalling names by neighborhood I diligently listed all of the fun, accomplished, and at times trouble making friends that she knew back in the day. “Eddie Weil and Lisa Schwatertzenberg. They’re married. Michael Shames, Jeff Zucker, Mindy Litt, Nancy London, Patsi Takashi. Ann Wilson, Carol Hubbard, Mindy Kaufman, Andy Feinman, Jayne Stogel, John Herzfeld, Peppi Murphy, Gail Bruesewitz, Chris Renino, Al Renino, Bill Wolfram, Amy Stichman.

“And your favorites, Mom,” I said laughing. “Bobby Fargo, Bobby Monahan, Geoff Keenan.”

“Oh my,” she said. “All those people?”

Indeed, all those people she knew. A number from the time we were five and six years old. And so many more people who attended that she wouldn’t recognize. White Plains baby boomers gathered to connect again. And as I explained the allegiances, the desire to convene, the joy of the hugs, the love, the mirth and energy in the room at our 40th high school reunion, I found reasons for Saturday evening’s delight.

Here they are. Let me know what you think.

— Right at the very top of the list is Jayne Stogel Hynes. For decades now Jayne has organized the reunions and provided stylish staging for these events. What Jayne is doing is a gift to our class and to those who attend. In the process she’s part of each of our lives, providing dimensions of community and trust that are unique and extraordinarily valuable. Jayne has played a huge role in deepening lifelong friendships. It’s a selfless, transcendent act of consistency, loyalty, and love. Thank you Jayne.

— We came up during an America that no longer exists. Like virtually all of my friends, my life was a model of family and community stability. Parents didn’t split up. Parents almost never died. Parents expected a lot of their children, and children delivered. Families prospered and almost nobody moved away. In my Highlands neighborhood houses were full of children of roughly the same ages. During weekends and holidays we poured onto Ralph Field to play football in the fall, baseball in the spring, and sled in the winter.

— White Plains had three K-9 schools. I attended Highlands, which meant that a good number of us were in the same school our entire grade school lives — for 10 years at Highlands and three more years at the high school. The same goes for the two other K-9 schools — Eastview and Battle Hill. Spend that much time together at such a formative age and you get to know each other pretty well.

— We were mobile. Not just in high school when we were driving. But also as little kids. My mother, like most of my friends’ mothers, let us roam seemingly at will. Imagine. We had bicycles and took long rides together to other suburbs, to downtown White Plains, to our friends’ homes. My mother kept track by setting rules around meal attendance. Be back for lunch, she’d direct. Dinner is at 7:00. If I didn’t show up on time, she wasn’t happy. Once, as a sixth grader, I was hanging out with Pat O’Brien at the old Highlands stadium and was an hour late getting home for dinner. There was a police cruiser in the driveway.

— We are good people. We shared principles and values shaped by our families and forged in an era of social transition. It helped us to be energetic and fun and smart and easy to get to know. We also were very good at merging our social groups, like schools of fish that meet and for a time swim together before dispersing. We liked hanging out and gathering in big parties and getting high and roaming — boys and girls together. We were drawn to each other and watched out for one another. All these ingredients, stirred so vigorously during our high school years, produced a rare formula for understanding, shared experience, and loyalty.

Reunion weekend was a blast. Let’s stay in touch.

— Keith Schneider

Andy Feinman, Amy Stichman, Jeff Zucker. Photo/Keith Schneider
Andy Feinman, Amy Stichman, Jeff Zucker. Photo/Keith Schneider
Andy Feinman and Peppi Murphy. Photo/Keith Schneider
Andy Feinman and Peppi Murphy. Photo/Keith Schneider
Beverly and Albemarle Road crew (l to r) Keith Schneider, Jeff Zucker, Eddie Weil, Michael Shames, Lisa Schwarzenberg, Mindy Litt, Laura Schoenfeld. Photo/Keith Schneider
Beverly and Albemarle Road crew (l to r) Keith Schneider, Jeff Zucker, Eddie Weil, Michael Shames, Lisa Schwartzenberg, Mindy Litt, Laura Schoenfeld. Photo/Keith Schneider
Keith Schneider, Gail Bruesewitz, Bobby Fargo, Geoff Keenan. Photo/Keith Schneider
Keith Schneider, Gail Bruesewitz, Bobby Fargo, Peppi Murphy, Geoff Keenan. Photo/Keith Schneider

7 thoughts on “White Plains High School 40th Reunion

  1. Thank you for your eloquence, Keith. I was temporarily transported back to a place and time with people whom I will always feel kindred. Growing up in White Plains in the 60’s and 70’s meant riding our bicycles all the way to Purchase. Playing outdoors after dinner until the street lights came on. Sleigh riding in Ralph Field. Parallel parking practice on Sundays. Ebersole Ice Rink on Friday nights. Skipping class at Milk Maid. Saturday football games and victory keggers on Saturday night. Lifelong memories and friends who are part of our DNA. As the younger sibling of and a fellow K-9er from the Class of ’74, I grew up with all of you as well. Our families were entwined. We were witness to one another’s lives. I am so very grateful. God only knows what I’d be without you.

  2. Hi Keith! I’m just seeing this now! It was a great night. I so enjoyed hanging out with you. And I love this piece you wrote. I love everything you write! Looking forward to next time…I won’t miss another reunion! Xx Margaret

  3. Keith,
    I’m just seeing this now…5 years later and organizing our 45th reunion on Oct 26, 2019 at Sam’s of Gedney Way. Thanks for the kudos. Appreciate being appreciated. Hope to see you and many more at this year’s 45th. It will be bittersweet without Andy, but he is forever in our hearts…”How the hell are ya” will remind us how we live, love and laugh!

  4. Just saw these pictures and posts. So many familiar faces. I can attest to all the memories of good old White Plains. Such fun and perfect times of life. Miss it dearly! Hope all are well and very happy! Would love to know the next reunion date.
    Very Fondly,
    Susan Liberatore Franklin

  5. I’m just seeing this now. Thanks for sharing photos of some old friends. Hope all are well.

  6. I too just saw these wonderful photos! Everyone looks great. White Plains was a fabulous place to be young in the 60’s and early 70’s! Loved it! Would certainly like to hear about any reunion plans that may be afoot. Will be sure to come. Best Tracey

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