March 22, 2025

Contact Keith

Get in touch with me about article ideas, speaking events, kibbitzing, or anything else here:


5 thoughts on “Contact Keith

  1. First let me introduce myself. My name is Bruce Harland, my wife Linda and I live in
    the small mining town of Crescent Valley, Nevada. I am employed as the town’s water operator. I was selected “Water System Operations Specialist of the Year 2014” for the State of Nevada by the Nevada Rural Water Association, with a letter of Congressional

    I am not a scientist, I am not genius, and I am not wanting a single penny for my idea.I am a working man, a father of two wonderful sons, and two incredible step children,and two beautiful grand-daughters.

    I love my life, I love my wife, and I love my country. I have no hidden agenda.

    I was raised in California… and I have great love and concern for my home state.
    I am simply putting forth an idea that I have had for sometime.

    There is no water shortage. The west coast of the U.S. and Canada have abundant water resources. Unfortunately, it is not always in the right place, or in some cases, at the right time.

    My proposal… is a simple yet, massively monumental project. The creation of an undersea conduit. A undersea “aqueduct” if you will, made of a relatively thin walled, flexible, and impermeable material or fabric, perhaps containing recycled plastics. Anchored off the coast of California, Oregon, Washington, and Canada.

    Utilizing the principles of hydro fluid dynamics. Fresh water, versus saltwater densities, with the ability of coordinated minimal elevation changes, at the inflow and outflow points, facilitating a syphon effect, or a gravitational flow situation.

    Such a system could be positioned at the mouth of a large river (i.e: Columbia) or
    multiple smaller rivers. At the very point at which there is still an abundance of fresh water. The floating facility would be very much like the floating ports (Mullberrys), used during the invasion of Normandy by the allies in WWII. The same type of facility could be used at the effluent end of the system.

    This system could be operational in a relatively short period of time.
    This system by virtue of physics, would require only minimal energy input to deliver
    abundant fresh water, at great distances.
    This system would have a negligible environmental effect.
    This is doable technology.
    The manufacturing and laying of the conduit, could be done on factory vessels specifically designed for this purpose.
    This system can be scaled up/down to fit needs and budget.
    This system could possibly use recycled plastic as an material additive.
    Supply states, and counties, could be compensated for a resource that would
    otherwise be simply dumped into the Pacific Ocean.

    I am putting forth my proposal, so that we the American people can begin
    to start coming up with solutions. We need to spread the word… We need to share
    our ideas. We need a common forum, internet based to share these thoughts.

    Let me know what you think.

    Sincerely, Bruce Harland

  2. Keith,

    I read your recent article about the container ships in Savannah GA. (In the NYT’s, but could not find a NYT email address so sorry for using this one)

    I do have a small bone to pick with your article.

    It was packed full of numbers and data and even referred to a length as long a five stroke hole ( usually called a Par 5), but….

    In the photo as well as your 1st paragraph you mention that Savannah is the nation’s fourth-largest port. Now with all of these figures, numbers and data why did you not mention what the three largest ports were?


    Jerry D Fox

  3. Hi Kieth. Nice piece about Jim Nielsons jet car in Panama. I just wanted to let you know that the guy is very convincing. I know. I have known him for 20 years and taught him how to run jet cars. I even drove his 1st jet car for him a a race in Las Vegas because he didnt yet have his license to run. But wanted to let you know that
    This guy is a thief. He stole my jet car and took it to Panama. I tracked him down in Panama and confronted him and he again lied to me that he would pay me for the car and of course never answered any of my calls or emails… If he gets a sponsor in Panama, they will be taken. I will get a stop order placed against him to stop any run. I dont want to see anyone else get burned by this guy. He stole from me and my family, and he needs to be stopped.

  4. Keith Schneider (who I’m too old to know) is apparently writing a piece about renewed interest and momentum in downtown Sacramento, according to some of my friends here.

    He will be in Sacramento on Monday, June 15, and may be having a lunch meeting with a group of movers and shakers who can help paint downtown Sacramento’s burgeoning economic development and thriving entertainment scene—as in the Kings Arena and surround sound.

    A few people I know won’t be able to make that lunch and I’d like to connect them to Keith in case he IS writing this story.

    Hey, it’s my duty as a native Sacramentan (5th generation Californian).

    Hope this helps,


  5. Keith

    Stop using fossil fuels every day every day you flaming climate hypocrite, go live like the Amish, stop flying, stop driving stop heating and no more imported food, no phone, no electricity, you typical leftist hypocrite.

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